Registration is now open for Economic Consequences of Negative Population Growth, a mini-conference co-sponsored by BPC and CEDA. This part-day event will bring together panelists and participants to discuss what economic research can tell us about the consequences of shrinking population size. The event will be held at the Seaborg Room in the Faculty Club on campus, from 12pm-4:30pm, on February 9th. Panelists include Chad Jones, STANCO 25 Professor of Economics, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, and Ron Lee, Professor of the Graduate School in Demography and Economics, UC Berkeley. This is an in-person event, with lunch served. Space is limited; be sure to register to hold your spot.
Our Spring 2024 Brown Bag Seminar Series kicks off next Wednesday, February 7th, 12pm, with Aliya Saperstein, Professor of Sociology, Stanford University, who will present, “The Fluidity of Demographic Categories: Challenges and Opportunities.” Event details are here. Check the Events Calendar for the spring semester schedule as we continue to update it.
The submission deadline for CEDA’s call for pilot research proposals for academic year 2024‐2025 is February 1, 2024. Funded proposals are typically in the range of $15,000 – $30,000 direct costs over one year. See the attached call, or visit our website for details.
The Center for Effective Global Action at UC Berkeley will host its sixth annual Psychology and Economics of Poverty (PEP) Convening on April 26, 2024 bringing researchers, implementing partners, and policymakers together to share original work in this space. Registration is now open and the deadline for paper submissions is February 5, 2024. More details can be found at the event page.
See further announcements and opportunities below.
February 7 | 12-1:05pm | UC Berkeley Demography Brown Bag Colloquium | Aliya Saperstein, Professor of Sociology, Stanford University. The title of her talk: “The Fluidity of Demographic Categories: Challenges and Opportunities.” In person, 310 Social Sciences Building. Event information.
Zoom ID: 985 2901 0198
Passcode DEMOG_BB
All-UC Demography Conference 2024 – Call for Papers. The California Center for Population Research (CCPR) at UCLA now invites submissions for oral and poster presentations at the 2024 All-UC Demography Conference to be held on UCLA campus, in the afternoon on Thursday, May 16, and all day on Friday, May 17.
The Conference will highlight current demographic research conducted by University of California faculty and graduate students as well as all researchers affiliated with UC population and poverty centers and provide a venue for making connections across UC campuses. We are planning for up to five sessions with oral presentations and discussants, and a keynote talk by UCLA-alumnus Professor Jenna Nobles, Director of the Center for Demography & Ecology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. We will also host a poster competition with awards and a reception at the end of the Thursday sessions. Breakfast and lunch will be served on Friday.
UC faculty members and graduate students, and researchers affiliated with a UC population or poverty centers interested in presenting a paper should submit an extended abstract or a complete paper (max of one submission as presenting author per person) at: (Contact Kelsey Figone at with questions about using the submission form.)
The default submission mode will be for an oral presentation, with poster presentation as a back-up if the paper cannot be fit into one of the sessions. To submit a paper only for either oral or poster presentation, please indicate so in the “additional comments or information” section at the bottom of the submission page. The submission deadline is Monday, February 12th, 2024, 11:59pm. Presenters will be notified by mid-March. Limited travel award support will be available for graduate students with accepted oral or poster presentations. Updated information will be posted at:
9th African Population Conference. The 9th African Population Conference will be jointly hosted by the Government of Malawi and the Union for African Population Studies May 20-24 2024 on the theme “Road to 2030: Leveraging Africa’s human capital to achieve transformation in a world of uncertainty.” The Call for Submissions is open for research papers and posters, assessments of best practices, proposals for workshops and exhibitions. Deadline to apply is February 12, 2024. Apply here.
Call for Applications: Time Use Data for Health and Well-Being Workshop, Due by Feb 19. Summer Workshop: Time Use Data for Health and Well-Being, June 12, 2024. The Maryland Population Research Center is accepting applications for the 2024 Time Use Data for Health and Well-Being Summer Workshop to be held June 12, 2024, the day before the June 13 and 14 University of Maryland 2024 Time Use Conference. This workshop aims to promote awareness of and expertise in the IPUMS Time Use data archive, particularly the 2010-2012 and 2021 ATUS Well-being Module data. About 20 applicants will be selected. Travel support will be available for accepted non-local candidates. To apply, complete this form.
The UC Berkeley Center for Global Public Health is pleased to announce that it will be offering competitive summer research fellowships in support of UC Berkeley graduate students planning to conduct global public health research in Summer 2024. We will be accepting research proposals until March 6, 2024. This year we will consider proposals for UC Berkeley student global health projects closely supervised by UC Berkeley, UCSF, Stanford, or UC Davis affiliated faculty at established field sites with strong in-country partners/supervisors. The awards will be between $2000 and $5000, determined by project need/justification and availability of fellowship funds. Please see the attached flyer for details and application instructions and email any questions to
Inaugural AWARD Network Summer Training Institute. Applications due by February 28, 2024. We are pleased to announce the AWARD Network will be hosting our first Summer Training Institute the week of July 15-19, 2024, in San Francisco, CA. The goal of this week-long institute is to train early-stage researchers, such as doctoral candidates, post-doctoral scholars, and assistant professors, in the concepts underlying rigorous research on the health workforce and their care for Persons Living with Dementia (PLWD), including approaches to conducting and disseminating such research.
The Summer Institute will include site visits to one or more sites involved in basic dementia research and healthcare programs in which direct care workers support PLWD. We will offer immersive training on topics such as labor economics, workforce definitions, research data sources, clinical care for Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD), and public policy including state and federal regulations impacting the workforce. We will review quantitative and qualitative research methods, funding mechanisms and grant writing, research dissemination and outreach, and leadership development. Participants will leave the Summer Institute with a research and mentoring plan. We will be accepting up to 20 participants in the AWARD Summer Institute. Stipend funding will be available to assist with expenses. We are exploring local housing options. To apply, please complete the questions in the application form by February 28, 2024 for full consideration. Others may be considered after that date. Please email us at with questions.
Advance your career and the future of dementia research. The Alzheimer’s Association® Interdisciplinary Summer Research Institute (AA-ISRI) is an immersive, no-cost opportunity for early career researchers in psychosocial care and public health to further their knowledge of dementia science and accelerate breakthroughs in the field. Join us in Chicago, USA, August 19-23, 2024, where experts will offer diverse perspectives on groundbreaking research through group sessions and individual mentoring. Applications are due March 11, 2024. Twenty-four applicants will be selected for this exclusive experience. Attend AA-ISRI to:
- Gain knowledge of basic clinical and biological aspects of Alzheimer’s and dementia.
- Hone essential research skills and learn about emerging research designs and analytical methods.
- Make connections with leaders and peers in the field.
- Develop a research proposal for Association and NIH funding
Psychosocial and public health postdoctoral students and early career researchers are eligible to attend, and individuals from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. Please share this invitation with potential candidates in your network. Submit your application now. This opportunity is supported by the National Institutes of Health under award #1R25AG069678-01.
- NOT-HD-21-026 – NOSI: Research on the Impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic and Risks for Abuse and Injury Among Vulnerable Children and Youth, Various, O, 2024-05-07
- NOT-HD-23-001 – NOSI: Mortality of Adolescents, Young Adults, and Other NICHD Priority Populations in the United States, Juanita Chinn, R01, R15, R21, K01, R03.
- NOT-HD-23-003 – NOSI: Research to Improve Pre-Pregnancy Care and Enhance Healthy Birth Intervals, Ronna Popkin, R21, R03, R01.
- NOT-HD-22-038 – NOSI: Research on the Impact of Policy Changes and Emerging and Evolving Public Health Crises on NICHD Populations of Interest, Rebecca Clark, R15, R03, R01, R21.
- NOT-ES-22-006 – NOSI: Climate Change and Health, Randy Capps, Various funding mechanisms.
- NOT-MD-23-002 – NOSI: Addressing the Etiology of Health Disparities and Health Advantages Among Immigrant Populations,, Randy Capps, R01, R61/R33.
- NOT-MD-23-003 – NOSI: Addressing Health Disparities Among Immigrant Populations Through Effective Interventions,, Randy Capps, R01.
- NOT-OD-23-166 – NOSI in Research on Family Support and Rejection in the Health and Well-Being of SGM Populations, Ronna Popkin, Various funding mechanisms.
- PAR-21-275 – The Role of Work in Health Disparities in the U.S., , Susan Jekielek, R01.
- NOT-OD-23-039 – NOSI: Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention Research, Various, O, 2026-02-04
- NOT-OD-22-167 – NOSI: Research on Addressing Violence to Improve Health Outcomes, Various, O, 2025-10-04
- PAR-23-112 – Addressing the Impact of Structural Racism and Discrimination on Minority Health and Health Disparities, Juanita Chinn, R01.
- PAR-24-091: Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
- PAR-24-092: Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS and Aging (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)
See announcement below about new funding opportunities developed by the Advancing Prevention Research for Health Equity (ADVANCE) initiative, an NIH-wide effort to develop and evaluate preventive interventions that address health disparities.
Multi-Sectoral Preventive Interventions Research Network to Address Social Determinants of Health in Populations that Experience Health Disparities
Applications due: August 5, 2024
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Disease Prevention (ODP) and participating Institutes, Centers, and Offices are seeking applications for a new collaborative research network to test multi-sectoral preventive interventions for health conditions in populations that experience health disparities.
- PAR-24-053: The research network funding opportunity encourages UG3/UH3 research project applications that intervene beyond the individual level and collaborate with two or more service sectors (e.g., health, housing, transportation, education).
- RFA-OD-24-006: The research network will also include a coordinating center that will provide technical assistance related to intervention methodology and facilitate collaboration across projects. The coordinating center funding opportunity encourages U24 applications that propose activities in administration, methodology, and community engagement.
The deadline has been extended for this Call for Papers for a special collection of Demographic Research. Submit papers that explore how COVID mitigation policies shaped and determined fundamental demographic outcomes for possible inclusion in a special collection. This collection will focus on relationship formation and dissolution, quality of family life, planned and realized fertility. Preference will be given to papers that use longitudinal data from household-based panel surveys that exploit the strengths of pre-COVID longitudinal observations to describe richer patterns of responses and, when possible, identify causal effects of COVID mitigation policies including, but not limited to, work-from-home, school closures, travel restrictions, and lockdowns. Deadline is now February 15. Papers should be submitted directly to the Guest Editor Dr. Yu Xie at
Call for Papers: RC28 SUMMER CONFERENCE 2024, Due by Feb 16. The Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) invites all scholars working in the field of social stratification and social mobility to contribute to the 2024 RC28 Summer Conference. The conference will take place on August 6-8, 2024 (with a welcome reception on the evening of August 5), hosted by Brown University. The meeting is organized with sponsorship from Population Studies and Training Center, Department of Sociology, Annenberg Institute for School Reform, and Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs China Initiative, Brown University. The conference theme is “Social Inequality and Public Policy.” Paper or poster submissions that address this theme are particularly encouraged, but all empirical and theory-driven submissions related to social stratification are welcome.
Please visit the conference website for further information on the conference, or email with any questions. You don’t need to be an RC28 member to submit your abstract but you will have to be an RC28 member to participate.
Call for Papers for the 50th Anniversary Issue of Social Science History. What is the relationship between the past and the present? What is the nature of how change occurs or does not occur over time? This anniversary issue explores the multiple possibilities. For example, in some cases, the present is seen in the past, as a repetition of it. This can be conceptualized as cycles of history that reoccur over time. However, another conceptualization is the past as a creator of the present—that is, the past in different ways leads to the present. These paths might be linear, path dependent, or historically constructed. Yet another idea is that past and present are unique, and in fact, unrelated.
Thus, the relationship between the past and present takes many different forms. Scholars who emphasize the repercussions of a new and unexpected shock imply discontinuity and rupture between past and present. In contrast, the literatures that document the later life consequences of early life or intergenerational experience tend to focus attention on continuities and the past as a creator of the present. Similarly, the long-term persistence of the structures of inequality suggests a process of replication and even stasis. Even social scientists who use statistical models to analyze historical data over time implies some kind of relationship between the past and later points. Variety exists within fields: both technology history and historical institutionalism offer up examples of developments that are path dependent along with ones that represent a complete break from the past. Whatever the field, the model, the literature and most importantly, the historical question, how the relationship between the past and present is perceived, is key to social science history research. These are just a few of the many possibilities!
The Fall 2026 issue is the 50th anniversary of Social Science History. For this issue, the theme of “past and present” will be explored. Papers should address this theme in some way, either theoretically, empirically, substantively (or some combination of them). All papers must be suitable for publication in Social Science History ( and will undergo peer review before publication. 200-word abstracts are due by April 2nd, 2024, and a final paper must be ready for review by January 15, 2025. Abstracts should be sent to