Berkeley Demography Brown Bag Series

The Demography Department, Berkeley Population Center, and the Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging holds a weekly Brown Bag Series during the Fall and Spring Semesters. These are available both in person, 310 Social Sciences Building, and via Zoom, Wednesdays from 12:00pm – 1:05pm. Continue to check here for schedule and zoom information.  

Administrative inquiries, including requests to be added to the department’s “Brown Bag Announcements List,” may be addressed to the Demography Office at (510) 642-9800, or to  If you would like to ask about presenting a seminar yourself, or have suggestions for potential speakers, please contact Michelle Poulin at

Video recordings of past presentations can be viewed at the Population Sciences at Berkeley YouTube site. Recordings from 2011-2012 can be viewed on UCTV. Demography Brown Bag Talks receive support from the Berkeley Population Center, the Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging, and the Department of Demography.

View lists of the Brown Bag talks by semester:

Spring 2024 Brown Bag

Fall 2023 Brown Bag

Spring 2023 Brown Bag

Fall 2022 Brown Bag

Spring 2022 Brown Bag

Fall 2021 Brown Bag

Spring 2021 Brown Bag

Fall 2020 Brown Bags

Spring 2020 Brown Bags