Weekly News, January 30, 2023

Our first Brown Bag Talk of the semester is this Wednesday, February 1st, at 12pm, with Rachel Margolis, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario. Check out our excellent line-up of speakers here, with a few updates forthcoming.    

See further announcements and opportunities below.


January 30 | 2-3:30pm | UC Berkeley Department of Sociology | Barbara Kiviat, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Stanford University, will present “How Algorithms Shape the Way Landlords Make Exceptions for Bad Background Checks.” 402 Social Sciences Building, and Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/95339226632?pwd=Z0E4WldvSVhCL0cvS2FTaXk5bVJzUT09

Meeting ID:  953 3922 6632

Passcode: 014274

February 1  | 12-1:10pm | UC Berkeley Demography Brown Bag Colloquium | Rachel Margolis, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada, will present “Loneliness Transitions Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults Around the World. This is a hybrid event. Social Science Building, Seminar Room 310, Zoom Meeting ID: 960 6550 7453 Password: DEMOG_BB. Event details are here.

February 1 | 1pm-2:30pm | Social Science Matrix Event |  Authors Meet Critics: Microverses: Observations from a Shattered Present, by Dylan Riley, Professor of Sociology at UC Berkeley. Microverses is a collection of more than a hundred short essays inviting us to think about society—and social theory—in new ways. Professor Riley will be joined in conversation by Colleen Lye, Associate Professor of English at UC Berkeley, affiliated with the Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory, and Donna Jones, Associate Professor of English at UC Berkeley, who serves as Core Faculty for the Designated Emphasis in Critical Theory and the Science, Technology and Society Center. The panel will be moderated by Alexei Yurchak, Professor of Anthropology at UC Berkeley. This will be a hybrid event (both in-person and streamed via Zoom). In person: 820 Social Sciences Building or  REGISTER.

February 8 | 4:10 pm |  Berkeley Graduate Lectures | Michael W. McConnell, Richard and Frances Mallery Professor, Director of the Constitutional Law Center, Stanford Law School will present, “Constructing a Republican Executive.” This is a free event and open to the public. Location: The Bancroft Hotel — 2680 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94704. See more information here.


Join for the “Health Care Use and Living Arrangements Among Older Adults Diagnosed with Dementia” webinar on Wednesday, February 8, 2023, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (EST).

The webinar will be hosted by the Coordinating Center for the Centers on the Demography and Economics of Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Related Dementias, the Hopkins’ Economics of Alzheimer’s Disease and Services (HEADS) Center, and the Center for Advancing Sociodemographic and Economic Study of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (CeASES-ADRD) at the University of Southern California.

Information about the presenters and format of the webinar can be found in the attached seminar flyer. Questions related to the webinar can be directed to Jana Deatrick (jlbruce@umich.edu). Please register to attend: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUud-iorzgvHNEPjxm9_mkuOP2wuzfWoIbr  


The deadline for the Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA)’s pilot research proposals for AY 2023-2024 is February 1, 2023. See details here.

The California Collaborative for Pandemic Recovery and Readiness Research (CPR3) recently issued a request for proposals for COVID-19 pandemic-related research within two priority topic areas. Grants will be $100K-$300K for 1-year. The two priority topic areas are: 

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents (including health and social determinants of health), and the role of intersecting social, structural, and economic factors at household and community levels
  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health, particularly among sub-populations at increased risk such as the elderly, children, people with pre-existing conditions, and communities with underlying social vulnerabilities

These awards are intended for individuals with Principal Investigator (PI) status at any University of California (UC) campus, and PIs must have a departmental mechanism to receive funding. PIs across research disciplines are welcome to apply, and collaboration with community and public health partners is encouraged. This is an open RFP for investigators from all UC campuses. Application details are available at: https://cpr3.ucsf.edu/funding-opportunities. Please email cpr3@ucsf.edu with any additional questions. Applications are due February 28, by 6pm PST.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund: Climate Change and Human Health seed grant. The program aims to stimulate the growth of new connections between scholars working in largely disconnected fields who could change the course of climate change’s impact on human health. Funding: Up to $50K. Deadline is April 12, 2023. 

NSF Issues Call for Grants on Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models. In a joint directorate collaboration (mathematical sciences and social, behavioral, and economics sciences) has re-issued a call for proposals to the IHBEM program. The Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models (IHBEM) Program supports research that incorporates research on social and behavioral processes in mathematical epidemiological models. The program provides support for projects that involve balanced participation from the mathematical sciences and from the social, behavioral, and economic sciences.  For more information. Read the program solicitation.

The Mercury Project Call for Proposals.

The SSRC announced a new call for proposals for the Mercury Project on January 23, 2023. Proposals are invited to evaluate the causal impacts of online or offline interventions designed to increase demand for vaccinations consistent with national priorities, including childhood vaccines, HPV, polio, measles, and Covid-19 vaccinations, in low- and lower-middle income countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Applicants are encouraged to consider the Mercury Project’s Research Framework in developing proposals. Preference will be given to projects that:

  1. evaluate the effects of interventions on behavioral outcomes, including vaccination uptake;
  2. evaluate interventions that are designed and delivered in collaboration with governmental, NGO, and/or corporate partners;
  3. have demonstrated potential to be cost-effective at scale;
  4. include researchers and research institutions located in the countries in which the study is being conducted.

Proposed projects may have a duration of up to 30 months. We will not review proposals received after May 1, 2023. Proposals will be reviewed on a rolling basis; applicants are encouraged to submit proposals earlier rather than later. Read more here.


Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on Gender Measurement (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) (NOT-OD-23-046).  The Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) announces the availability of administrative supplements to support research testing gender terminology (e.g., woman, man, nonbinary) for measuring current gender identity as part of the two-step method of data collection (sex assigned at birth and current gender identity).  Administrative supplements supported by this Notice of Special Interest will support research testing gender terminology (e.g., woman, man, nonbinary) for measuring current gender identity as part of the two-step method of data collection (sex assigned at birth and current gender identity). Supplements will support additional costs associated with incorporating, testing, validating, and/or refining a two-step method of gender ascertainment. Read the full Notice here.

Time-Sensitive Research Opportunities in Environmental Health Sciences

https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-ES-23-004.html. This funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is intended to support novel environmental health research in which an unpredictable event or policy change provides a limited window of opportunity to collect human biological samples or environmental exposure data. The primary motivation of the FOA is to understand the consequences of natural and human-made disasters, emerging environmental public health threats, and policy changes in the U.S. and abroad. A distinguishing feature of an appropriate study is the need for rapid review and funding, substantially shorter than the typical NIH grant review/award cycle, for the research question to be addressed and swiftly implemented. The shortened time frame will be achieved by more frequent application due dates and expediting peer review, council concurrence and award issuance. The entire cycle, from submission to award, is expected to be within 4-6 months. Due February 27, 2023; April 3, 2023; June 1, 2023; August 1, 2023. 

Interested in research on casual pathways & mechanisms through which social connectedness & isolation are associated with healthy aging? See three funding opportunities on Biopsychosocial Factors of Social Connectedness & Isolation on Health, Wellbeing, Illness, & Recovery. PAR-21-349 is an R01 Basic Experimental Studies with Humans. PAR-21-350 is an R01 where clinical trials are not allowed. PAR-21-352 is an R01 where clinical trials are required.

Trailblazer Award for New and Early Stage Investigators. https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-24-022.html. This Trailblazer Award is an opportunity for NIH-defined New and Early Stage Investigators (https://grants.nih.gov/policy/early-investigators/index.htm) to pursue research programs that integrate engineering and the physical sciences with the life and/or biomedical sciences. A Trailblazer project may be exploratory, developmental, proof of concept, or high risk-high impact, and may be technology design-directed, discovery-driven, or hypothesis-driven. Importantly, applicants must propose research approaches for which there are minimal or no preliminary data. https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-24-022.html. NIBIB, NIA, and NEI are participating. Due Feb 16, June 16, Oct 16 2023


Research Opportunity for Undergraduate Students: NextGenPop Undergraduate Program in Population Research. NextGenPop is an undergraduate program in population research that aims to increase the diversity of the population field and nurture the next generation of population scholars. The program includes a 2-week, in-person, on-campus summer experience and subsequent virtual components focused on research and professional development. This summer 2023, 15 undergraduate students will be hosted by Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, June 4 – 18. Participants will receive a $1,000 stipend as well as funds to cover all travel and living expenses. Classroom instruction and hands-on applications will address contemporary social and policy issues in population research, including race and income inequalities, health disparities, immigration, and family change. For more information, see the website, and application. Deadline: February 1, 2023.

The University of California, Irvine’s Center for Population, Inequality and Policy invites submissions to present at the inaugural All-UC Demography Conference. This meeting will highlight current demographic research and provide a venue for making connections across UC campuses, with a keynote talk by Ronald Lee. The conference will be held May 4th and May 5th in person at University of California, Irvine. The plan is to hold faculty paper sessions with discussants, as well as an additional graduate student poster competition, with awards and a reception. The submission deadline for both papers and posters is Monday, February 6th, 2023, 11:59pm. Presenters will be notified by early March. Limited travel award support will be available for graduate students with accepted posters. For more information, please visit the conference website here.

The Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI) is now accepting applications for the Summer Institute in Migration Research Methods (SIMRM) for 2023. SIMRM is co-run by Affiliate Irene Bloemraad and Jennifer Van Hook of Penn State University. SIMRM will take place from June 7-15, 2023 at the UC Berkeley campus. SIMRM 2023 will focus on interviewing as a migration research methodology. The SIMRM is open to advanced graduate students, early-career researchers in government or not-for-profit research centers, post-docs, and beginning faculty within five years of their PhD or equivalent degree. Read the details of the call here; the deadline is March 1, 2023

The Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science (IAPHS) will be hosting its Fall conference on “Gender, Sexuality, and Health Across the Life Course: Current Challenges and Opportunities for Population Health and Health Equity.” Groups of individuals are invited to submit panels that will present original research or engage in innovative discussions that push the boundaries of population health science, practice, theory, methods, student training, or technological innovations (or a combination of these) around a significant issue related to population health. IAPHS is now accepting abstracts for individual and panel presentations for the Oct 2023 conference in Baltimore. Deadline is March 6, 2023. Learn more and apply here.

The Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA) at the University of Michigan is partnering with the Gateway to Global Aging Data (at USC) on a conference focusing on long-term care (LTC) policy and its impact on people and communities. The conference will be held November 7-8, 2023 in Washington, DC. Abstracts are due March 31, 2023. 


Call for Papers for the Maryland Time Use Conference. Time is a critical but under-researched aspect of individual, family, and societal health and well-being. The focus of the 2023 University of Maryland (UMD) Time Use Conference will be time inequalities and how these influence daily activities, interactions, and well-being. The June 8-9, 2023 in-person UMD Time Use Conference will give members of the growing interdisciplinary time use research community the opportunity to interact and share ideas. Abstract Deadline January 31. Learn more here

Call for Papers for International Conference on Labour Migration and Sustainable Development in Asia. The South Asia Centre for Labour Mobility and Migrants (SALAM) at International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Mumbai announces its first International Conference on “Labour Migration and Sustainable Development in Asia: Opportunities, Challenges and the Way Forward”. This conference is scheduled to be held during June 1-3, 2023 at IIPS, Mumbai. Call for papers open now. Deadline for abstract submission is February 13. Read more.

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research Submissions for a Special Issue. The Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (VYPR) is seeking submissions for a Special Issue entitled “Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century”, which will be guest edited by Roman Hoffmann, Liliana Andriano, Marion Borderon, Kathryn Grace, Tobias Rüttenauer and Erich Striessnig. This Special Issue will address the close reciprocal relationships between population and climate change and propose evidence-based policy solutions to building sustainable and resilient societies. Deadline March 31. Read more here.

Call for Papers: Advances in Life Course Research Special Issue on Young Adult Life Courses in the Global South.  This special issue uses a life course lens to study young adult work-family lives in low- and middle-income countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Deadline for abstract submission is April 30. Read the full call here and here.



All jobs and postdoctoral fellowships are posted as we receive them on the Demography Department Jobs Listserv, http://lists.demog.berkeley.edu/mailman/listinfo/jobs. This list advertises positions of all sorts relevant for social and behavioral scientists with advanced degrees.

Migration Mailing List

Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI.berkeley.edu) is a research center for the study of immigrants and immigration. BIMI has a mailing list which is where a good deal of immigration and migration announcements are posted, and only some of that material is posted on the PopSciences Weekly News. Sign up for it with this link.

School of Public Health Mailing List

Tue$day Top Tip$ for SPH Research is a listserv with research funding opportunities and other information pertinent to public health researchers who are not necessarily population researchers. To subscribe, write to Dr. Lauren Goldstein, lhg@berkeley.edu.

Posted in Newsletter.