EVENTS February 1 – April 26 | 4-5pm | Zoom | Tuesdays, with exceptions. Berkeley Computational Social Science Forum. Info HERE. February 2 | 12-1pm | Zoom | Berkeley Population Center Brown Bag. Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez of Community Health Sciences, UCLA, will present his paper entitled, “Biological age and its link with the aging process.” Zoom Meeting ID: 917 3719 4316 Password: DEMOG_BB. February 3 […]
NIA T32 Postdoctoral Fellow Opportunities
POSITION DESCRIPTION The UC Berkeley Demography program is widely regarded as one of the best and most creative in the world. We occupy a unique niche in the population studies landscape, with a strong focus on formal demography, population theory, and the relationship between demographic dynamics and social, cultural, and economic dynamics. The UC Berkeley […]
Weekly News January 26, 2022
The NIH’s new Biosketch and Other Support requirements go into effect as of January 25, 2022. The following links, put together by a team of BRS and SPO representatives, inform how to understand and respond to these changes:NIH Other Support: Summary of ChangesNIH Other Support RA/PI Guidance and Best Practices documentUC Berkeley FAQ NIH Other […]
Weekly News January 18, 2022
Hello Everybody, As you have heard, I will be retiring on July 1 and am now working just part-time to ease the transition and helping our new Executive Director, Dr. Michelle Poulin, get oriented and trained into the position. I wanted to leave BPC in good hands, and Michelle is the right person and I […]
Weekly News November 29, 2022
It’s a quiet week event-wise. I search for events I can bring to your attention in a variety of calendar but if you are giving a talk on campus, or elsewhere virtually, feel free to let me know and I’ll advertise it.Events and announcements followHappy Hanukah!Leora *******EVENTSWe are hosting virtual and/or hybrid talks this semester. […]