December 9, 2020. “Has There Been a Transgender Tipping Point? Gender Identification Differences in US Cohorts Born Between 1935 and 2001,” Danya Lagos, UC Berkeley
December 2, 2020. “Evolutionary Demography of the Great Apes,” Melissa Emery Thompson, University of New Mexico & “Genetic Evolutionary Demography,” Kenneth Wachter, UC Berkeley & “Helpful Grandmothers and High Fertility: Testing Evolutionary Theories on Historical Demographic Data in Scandinavia and North America,” Lisa Dillon, Université de Montréal
November 18, 2020. “Pathways Through Fertility Transitions in the Developing World, 1965-2014,” Tom Moultrie, University of Cape Town
November 4, 2020. “My Family and Other Animals: Human Demography Under an Evolutionary Lens,” Owen R. Jones, University of Southern Denmark & “Trade-offs Between Mortality Components in Life History Evolution: The Case of Cancers,” Samuel Pavard, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France
October 28, 2020. “Leveraging Formal Demography to Understand Lifespan Inequality Trends,” Jose Manuel Aburto, University of Oxford
October 21, 2020. “Elective Deliveries and Child Development,” Julien Tietler, Columbia University & Nancy Reichman, Rutgers
October 14, 2020. “And Not by Turnout Alone: Measuring the Sources of Electoral Change, 2012-2016,” Daniel Hopkins, University of Pennsylvania
October 7, 2020. “Ecological Evolutionary Demography,” Siobhán M. Mattison, University of New Mexico & “Genetics and Preproductive Behaviour: A Review,” Felix C. Tropf, École National de la Statistique et de L’administration Économique, Paristech & “Sociality, Food Sharing and the Evolution of Life Histories,” Ronald Lee and Carl Boe, UC Berkeley
September 30, 2020. “Fertility in Transition in 21st Century Russia,” Leslie Root, UC Berkeley
September 23, 2020. “Cohort-Specific Experiences of Industrial Decline and Intergenerational Income Mobility,” Nathan Seltzer, UC Berkeley & “Forecasting the Burden of Dementia in the United States,” Jordan Wiess, UC Berkeley
September 16, 2020. “Introducing Human Evolutionary Demography,” Rebecca Sear, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine & “A Biologist’s Perspective on Human Evolutionary Demography,” Bobbi S. Low, University of Michigan & “The Biodemography of Human Health: Insights from the Tsimane Health and Life History Project,” Michael Gurven, UC Santa Barbara
September 9, 2020. “Linguistic Assimilation in the Age of Mass Migration: Evidence from Ellis Island Oral Histories,” Lea Bustan, Princeton University
September 2, 2020. “Research Presentations by Demography Faculty,” Ayesha Mahmud, Dennis Feehan, William Dow, Joshua Goldstein, Kenneth Wachter, & Ronald Lee, UC Berkeley