CenSoc Users Conference

December 6th, 2024

The CenSoc users project invites submissions for our first CenSoc Users Conference, to be held remotely on December 6th, 2024, with an option to join in person in Berkeley, California. The conference will bring together an interdisciplinary set of researchers using CenSoc data for empirical research. 

The CenSoc datasets link the complete-count IPUMS 1940 U.S. Census to Social Security mortality records. These datasets—CenSoc-DMF (N = 4.7 million) and CenSoc-Numident (N = 7.0 million)—primarily cover deaths among individuals aged 65 and older. The size and richness of CenSoc allows investigators to make new discoveries into geographic, racial, and class-based disparities and determinants of old-age mortality in the United States. CenSoc datasets are freely available for download from https://censoc.berkeley.edu/.

See the program for the conference and the zoom information here.