On October 7, 2022, we held our first annual “Aging in Africa” workshop, a jointly sponsored event by the UC Berkeley Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA), the UC Berkeley Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA), the Berkeley Population Center, and the Kenya Life Panel Survey (KLPS) team. Led by UC Berkeley economics professor and BPC Affiliate Ted Miguel, the KLPS has recently received National Institute on Aging funding to expand to address aging research questions. The one-day workshop was held on UC Berkeley’s campus, with several participants zooming in.
‘Aging in Africa’ was designed in recognition that accelerating aging trends are projected to greatly impact Africa’s rapidly growing population in the coming decades. The workshop therefore intended to inform a research agenda on neglected African aging topics, building on the best existing social science population research studies in this area. The workshop included overviews of leading work, brainstorming of future agendas, and discussion of how household surveys such as KLPS could best advance innovative and high impact research on Aging in Africa.
See the agenda for details of presentations and topics.