Weekly News, December 14, 2022

Hi Everyone,

Registration is open for PAA 2023. Register now for the best rate, and note that all presenters must register by February 15. You may also book your room at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans.

In addition, the ASA’s online portal is open for submissions for its 2023 Annual Meeting, to be held August 27-31, in Philadelphia, PA. The deadline to submit is February 22, 2023. Review the Call for Submissions for details. 

Weekly News is now on winter hiatus, and we’ll be back in 2022! Wishing you all a wonderful, restful break, and a joyful holiday season.


Thursday, January 19th, 2023 | The University of Colorado Population Center (CUPC) would like to invite you to this year’s Jane Menken Distinguished Lecture in Population Studies, sponsored by CUPC and the Institute of Behavioral Science (IBS). Flyer is attached. Jane Menken is a Distinguished Research Professor Emerita and Past Director of IBS.  She has been tremendously influential on the global scale in studies of human fertility and reproductive health.  A recent profile by A&S Magazine can be found here.

We hold this distinguished lecture every two years and are thrilled to announce that this upcoming talk will be offered by Dr. Deborah Balk, of City University of New York. The title of her lecture is “Confronting the Rising Tide: Population Exposure, Change and Prospects in Low-lying Coastal Areas.”  The presentation is Thursday, January 19th, beginning at 3:30 pm at IBS, Room 155A. You can also join via Zoom – see flyer attached. A reception will immediately follow, held at the Koenig Alumni Center, across the street from IBS. Enjoy catered hors d’oeuvres and beverages (alcohol/non-alcohol). The day before the lecture, Dr. Deborah Balk will also be giving a seminar talk at IBS Wed, Jan. 18 at 2 pm. See 2nd flyer attached for details. We hope you can join us in celebration for these enlightening events, including the reception.


Research Opportunity for Undergraduate Students: NextGenPop Undergraduate Program in Population Research. NextGenPop is an undergraduate program in population research that aims to increase the diversity of the population field and nurture the next generation of population scholars. The program includes a 2-week, in-person, on-campus summer experience and subsequent virtual components focused on research and professional development. This summer 2023, 15 undergraduate students will be hosted by Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, June 4 – 18. Participants will receive a $1,000 stipend as well as funds to cover all travel and living expenses. Classroom instruction and hands-on applications will address contemporary social and policy issues in population research, including race and income inequalities, health disparities, immigration, and family change. For more information, see the website, and application. Deadline: February 1, 2023.


Notice of Special Interest. NOT-OD-23-018: Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplement for Research and Capacity Building Efforts Related to Bioethical Issues (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional) (nih.gov). The purpose of this NOSI is to support (1) research on bioethical issues to develop or support the development of an evidence base that may inform future policy directions, and/or (2) certain efforts to develop or augment bioethics research capacity.  Applicants may propose to supplement parent awards focused on bioethics or to address a component related to bioethics in a biomedical and/or health-related behavioral research study.  Note that applications must be within the general scope of the parent award. Funding is for 1 year with a budget that cannot exceed $200,000 (direct costs). First Available Due Date is December 16, 2022. The expiration date is February 17, 2023. For more information: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-23-018.html 


Population and Social Data Science Summer Program. The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) is inviting applications for a summer research visit opportunity. The goal of the program is to enable discovery by bringing together data scientists and population scientists interested in projects of broad societal relevance. The program takes place over three months (June 1- August 25th, 2023), and students will be expected to work in small teams towards a common research goal alongside experienced mentors. The primary research goal this summer is focused on forecasting, and on leveraging crowd-sourced data. The deadline to apply is January 15, 2023. Learn more and apply here.

2023 Psychology & Economics of Poverty Convening – Call for Submissions. The Center for Effective Global Action at UC Berkeley will host its fifth annual Psychology and Economics of Poverty (PEP) Convening on April 14, 2023 bringing researchers, implementing partners, and policymakers together to share original work in this space. Registration is now open. The deadline for paper submission is January 16, 2023. More information.

The Health and Relationships Project (HARP) and the Texas Center on Aging and Population Sciences (CAPS) are co-sponsoring a Methods Workshop Series on Longitudinal Dyadic Data Analysis. Session 1 will be held January 25, 2023 (10:00am – 12:00pm CST) and Session 2 will be held March 27, 2023 (10:00am – 12:00pm CST). Additional workshop information can be found in the attachment.

The Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s (CAPRA) at the University of Michigan is partnering with the Gateway to Global Aging Data (at USC) on a conference focusing on long-term care (LTC) policy and its impact on people and communities. The conference will be held November 7-8, 2023 in Washington, DC. Abstracts are due March 31, 2023. 


BITSS Annual Meeting: March 3, 2023, Berkeley, CA. Call for Papers! The BITSS Annual Meeting brings together actors from academia, scholarly publishing, and policy to share novel research and discuss efforts to improve the credibility of social science by advancing research transparency, reproducibility, rigor, and ethics. For more information and to submit a paper, see the event page. Deadline to submit: December 30, 2022.

Call for Papers for 2023 Pacific Conference for Development Economics. The 2023 Pacific Conference for Development Economics (PacDev 2023) will be held in-person at the University of Washington on Saturday, March 18, 2023. Paper proposals are due on January 6, 2023. The conference welcomes submissions in all research topics in development economics. While priority will be given to full papers, extended abstracts will also be considered. Submissions from junior researchers are encouraged. See further details on the CEGA event page.

Vienna Yearbook of Population Research Submissions for a Special Issue. The Vienna Yearbook of Population Research (VYPR) is seeking submissions for a Special Issue entitled “Population and Climate Change: The Defining Relationship of the 21st Century”, which will be guest edited by Roman Hoffmann, Liliana Andriano, Marion Borderon, Kathryn Grace, Tobias Rüttenauer and Erich Striessnig. This Special Issue will address the close reciprocal relationships between population and climate change and propose evidence-based policy solutions to building sustainable and resilient societies. Deadline March 31, 2023. Read more here.



All jobs and postdoctoral fellowships are posted as we receive them on the Demography Department Jobs Listserv, http://lists.demog.berkeley.edu/mailman/listinfo/jobs. This list advertises positions of all sorts relevant for social and behavioral scientists with advanced degrees.

Migration Mailing List

Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI.berkeley.edu) is a research center for the study of immigrants and immigration. BIMI has a mailing list which is where a good deal of immigration and migration announcements are posted, and only some of that material is posted on the PopSciences Weekly News. Sign up for it with this link.

School of Public Health Mailing List

Tue$day Top Tip$ for SPH Research is a listserv with research funding opportunities and other information pertinent to public health researchers who are not necessarily population researchers. To subscribe, write to Dr. Lauren Goldstein, lhg@berkeley.edu.

Posted in Newsletter.