Since it’s Spring Break, we’re light on the news. We’ll be back with our Brown Bag Talks next week, so be sure to join us then! As a reminder, check out the extensive list of this year’s PAA 2022 workshops. Created by generous PAA members, the workshops are designed to enhance your skills and understandings on particular topics.
All the best,
All times are Pacific unless otherwise noted.
March 30 | 12–1 pm | Demography Brown Bag | In-person (2233 Piedmont Ave.) or Zoom | Demography Brown Bag – Deborah Balk, Professor in Public Affairs, CUNY Institute of Demographic Research “Uneven Vulnerability: Characterizing population composition and change at risk at coastal hazards”Zoom Meeting ID: 917 3719 4316 Password: DEMOG_BB.
IRLE Faculty Research Grants. Faculty Research Awards support rigorous interdisciplinary research projects on topics aligned with our mission: to understand the dynamics and policies affecting workers, working life, and employment. To advance scholarship in these topics, we are inviting requests for funding applications from UC Berkeley faculty for the 2022-23 academic year. Apply by Friday, April 15, 2022. Faculty research awards provide flexible funds designed to support and advance faculty research projects. Awards requested can be up to $20,000. To learn more, visit:
2022 American Causal Inference Conference (ACIC). The Berkeley Center for Targeted Machine Learning and Causal Inference is putting on a workshop on Targeted Machine Learning of the Causal Effects of Dynamics and Shift Interventions with the tlverse R Packages. on May 23-25, 9am-4pm. The pre-conference workshop is on May 23; other events on the 24th-25th. ACIC is an interdisciplinary conference designed to bring together researchers, students, and practitioners of causal inference with emphasis on theory, methodology, and application. BIDS Faculty Affiliate Maya Peterson co-chairs the organizing committee, and BIDS Data Science Fellow Ivana Malenica will co-present the workshop. See full workshop schedule and register by May 20th HERE.
Call for Submissions: Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies’ 11th Annual International Conference. Remember to get your submissions in for the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies’ 11th annual international conference! This year’s theme is ‘Growing Up and Growing Older Across Societies: Harnessing the Power of Comparative Research’. We welcome submissions for poster, paper, symposium, and panel sessions, and also for pre-conference workshops (w/shops taking place on 22nd October). The conference is planned to take place in-person (covid restrictions allowing) at the Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, USA, and we hope to include some remote sessions for people unable to travel to the US. Click here for more information and to submit an abstract: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: 31st MARCH 2022.
Workshop on social influences and diabetes health disparities. The National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) is conducting a workshop titled “The social component of diabetes health disparities: new directions in analyses and interventions through social networks and structures”, to be held on May 19-20, 2022. Barring any new COVID surges, we are planning for the workshop to be hosted in person at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Bethesda, MD. The workshop will cover social influences in diabetes prevention, management and disparities broadly and, especially, how social network analyses may enhance understanding and interventions in these areas. More information can be found at the workshop website. We are currently accepting applications for fully-funded participation from trainees (e.g., student, resident, fellow, postdoctoral researcher, 1st/2nd year faculty) who are interested in this topic. You will be asked to fill out some basic information, provide a short description of your qualifications/interest in the workshop, and upload a CV. You will also be asked to identify your mentor(s). If your primary mentor is not a diabetes researcher, we also strongly encourage identifying a co-mentor from the diabetes field. Applications are due by April 1, 2022 and we will select trainees to participate by April 8, 2022. If invited as a trainee, travel, lodging, meals, and incidental expenses up to the federal per diem rate, will be covered by the NIDDK. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any question, or if there is anything that I can assist you with. – Xujing Wang, PhD Director, Data Science and Computational Biomodeling programs The Division of Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases (DEM) NIDDK, NIH Phone: (301) 451-2862 (o) (301) 219-8372 (c) Email:
IAPHS Travel Scholarship. IAPHS greatly values and encourages student participation at the annual conference. The 2022 conference in Minneapolis, MN will offer a variety of sessions of interest to students with lunchtime sessions specifically planned for students. We are pleased to offer travel scholarship funds for a limited number of students to attend the conference. Applications are now being accepted. Submissions are due by April 21, 2022, 11:59pm PST. Apply HERE.
DATAAmerican Population Panel – National Survey Resource: PI: Dr. Elizabeth Cooksey, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, The Ohio State University. The American Population Panel, established by CHRR at The Ohio State University in 2017, helps researchers target various population subgroups and match potential participants to their studies. We provide timely and affordable access to an engaged respondent pool of over 46,000 members who are 18 years or older and living in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. We employ a variety of communication platforms, provide daily reports while the survey is in the field, and guide you through the use of our proprietary Survey Suite to access your resulting data. Many academic research projects are done on a very tight budget and our main purpose is to help you get your projects up and running more inexpensively than if you had to recruit people yourself. For those interested in longitudinal surveys, utilizing the APP offers the added benefit of being able to go back to the same respondents to ask follow-up questions. Included services: programming and testing survey instrument; production of a fully documented data set; respondent recruitment and communication; managing respondent payments. Add-on services: questionnaire authoring and consulting; data analysis and reporting; sample weights production; marketing, web design, other creative help; IRB submission. For more information, please contact: Elizabeth Cooksey, APP PI; Email:
All jobs and postdoctoral fellowships are posted as we receive them on the Demography Department Jobs Listserv, This list advertises positions of all sorts relevant for social and behavioral scientists with advanced degrees.
Migration Mailing List
Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative ( is a research center for the study of immigrants and immigration. BIMI has a mailing list which is where a good deal of immigration and migration announcements are posted, and only some of that material is posted on the PopSciences Weekly News. Sign up for it with this link
School of Public Health Mailing List
Tue$day Top Tip$ for SPH Research is a listserv with research funding opportunities and other information pertinent to public health researchers who are not necessarily population researchers. To subscribe, write to Dr. Lauren Goldstein,—
The POPSCIENCES listserv is an announcements list for affiliates of the Berkeley Population Center, the Center for the Economics and Demography of Aging, the Bixby Population Center and other interested parties. Archives are available by visiting the Group page (see below). Only the List Managers can post, but we accept submissions for possible publication. UC Berkeley faculty, staff and students should be able to subscribe via Google Groups. For any submissions, requests for subscribing or posts, questions, contact the list administrator, Leora Lawton,