Weekly News February 15, 2022

Save the date! We’ll be (virtually) holding our 8th annual Berkeley Workshop in Formal Demography, on June 6-10, 2022. Once again we’ll feature COVID-19 and demographic processes (mortality and possibly fertility). Stay tuned for details regarding application.


All events are Pacific Time unless otherwise indicated.

February 16 | 12-1pm | Zoom | Berkeley Population Center Brown Bag | Sam Trejo, University of Wisconsin – Madison, will present “Learning from Flint: The Health and Social Effects of the Flint Water Crisis on Educational Outcomes” Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/91737194316?pwd=emZoM3dpOGptUGROaGxaUTg2SDNoUT09

Meeting ID: 917 3719 4316 Password: DEMOG_BB. Event detail

February 17th | 4-5:30pm | 648 Evans | Hybrid with Zoom | David Chan, Stanford, “Is There a VA Advantage? Evidence from Dually Eligible Veterans,” (joint with David Card and Lowell Taylor). Hybrid Zoom Meeting: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/96380465929?pwd=MU9XYzhhRCtCNlBMYUFBcGdzQ29yZz09

February 18 | 12:10-1pm | 648 Evans | Economics Departmental Seminar | “Getting a Second Chance? Prenatal Health Shocks and Infant Health Care,” presented by Ingrid Semb, University of Oslo. Event detail


February 17, 12-1:15pm EST. Social Demography Seminar Series, the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies. Roland J. Thorpe, Jr., Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Thorpe will present “Approaches to Achieve Health Equity in Aging.” Register here.

February 23, 2pm-3pm EST. Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Chitwan Valley Family Study Webinar Series: “New Data on the Transition to Adulthood.” Presenters: William Axinn, Dirgha Ghimire, Heather Gatny, Sabrina Hermosilla. Event detail.


The NIH salary cap for grant awards/contracts issued on or after January 2, 2022, is $203,700.

NIH childcare costs  – How Are Childcare Costs for NRSA Trainees and Fellows Requested?

NIA announces New Cleared Concepts for Aging Research. NIA posted their latest cleared concepts for aging research that were approved by the National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA) in September. Continue reading NIA’s New Cleared Concepts for Aging Research.


February 14-18. UC Love Data Week – UC Berkeley Research Data Management Program, Virtual ParticipationThe UC campuses are once again partnering to host UC Love Data Week, a nationwide campaign designed to raise awareness and build community around research data. Register nowThis year’s week-long event, which will feature workshops on R, Python, Tableau, Git, Tidy, and Jupyter Notebooks; as well as presentations on 3D data & visualization, data storytelling, building web maps, high-performance and remote computing, data ethics, social science datasets, and reproducible research for teams. All members of the UC community are welcome to attend.

Registration is now open for the ICPSR’s Summer Program in quantitative methods of social research. This year will be the first ever hybrid program. Whether in person or virtual, you’ll have more than 80 workshops and lectures to help you get the most out of your research. All of their courses will feature hybrid instruction this summer. Learn with live lectures in Ann Arbor, or from your kitchen table. Every lecture is recorded too, so you can watch on your own time, or review what you saw in class earlier. Synchronous or asynchronous, it’s your course on your time. Learn more.

The Summer Data Immersion (SDI) program at The Michigan Center for Contextual Factors in Alzheimer’s Disease (MCCFAD) provides hands-on training in the use of publicly available data resources to address important research questions relevant to ADRD. The theme of the 2022 SDI will be “The Costs of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias.” During the program, data will be used from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). The SDI advances a team science approach. It will include informational presentations about best practices for working with HRS data, discussion on the financial and non-financial costs of ADRD, and training in advanced analytic techniques to model data from large-scale, longitudinal, and dyadic studies. Please see https://mccfad.isr.umich.edu/research-activities/summer-data-immersion-program/ for full details. Interested individuals should complete the application and upload a CV/Biosketch using the following link SDI Application. Completed applications with CV/Biosketch should be submitted by February 14. Please contact mccfad.isr@umich.edu with any questions.

NHATS Course: The National Health and Aging Trends Study (NHATS) has created an online course for beginners, available through the Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA). This self-paced set of modules is designed for researchers who are learning to use NHATS. There is an optional module for learning to use the National Study of Caregiving (NSOC). The workshop is organized into three sections that take approximately 4-5 hours altogether to complete: Getting to know NHATS; Learning to use NHATS; and Using NHATS. To register, please visit the NHATS website:  https://nhats.org/researcher/nhats/videos



Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Administrative Supplements to Recognize Excellence in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Mentorship. This funding opportunity is for researchers who have an active record of mentoring underrepresented minorities in science and who have active NIH grants with 2 or more years remaining in them.  The award is up to $250,000, direct costs. Funds will be provided to perform additional research within the scope of the parent grant, to develop curricula or training activities to enhance mentor training, and/or to help foster the research career development of additional students, post-doctorates, or other trainees, and/or for additional trainee slots. There are other details and limitations, so please see the announcement https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-22-057.html for more information or contact us for advice and support (popcenter@demog.berkeley.edu). Note: this can be submitted through the Center for Economics and Demography of Aging (CEDA) if it has an aging component to it. Unfortunately, BPC’s NICHD funders do not accept administrative supplements at this time. Get creative: this is a great opportunity to develop young scholars.


The US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF) aims to make a positive contribution to the development of climate solutions through cross-disciplinary, collaborative research projects between the two countries. Therefore BSF has launched a bi-annual call for cross-disciplinary proposals that advance the conceptualization, development and/or implementation of climate solutions. The new initiative will focus on how aspects of climate related processes can be offset by novel technologies, regulations, policy etc. BSF is pleased to announce an invitation for 5-page pre-proposals (deadline April 1) proposing cross-disciplinary, US-Israel collaborative studies that develop transformative concepts and ideas towards climate solutions. These ideas/concepts address the impacts of climate change on the natural environment as well as on human populations, their distributions and economic activities. Interested scientists are invited to form teams of experts that address the goals of this call for proposals and consult the attached document. 

All jobs and postdoctoral fellowships are posted as we receive them on the Demography Department Jobs Listserv, http://lists.demog.berkeley.edu/mailman/listinfo/jobs. This list advertises positions of all sorts relevant for social and behavioral scientists with advanced degrees.

Migration Mailing List
Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI.berkeley.edu) is a research center for the study of immigrants and immigration. BIMI has a mailing list which is where a good deal of immigration and migration announcements are posted, and only some of that material is posted on the PopSciences Weekly News. Sign up for it with this link.

School of Public Health Mailing List

Tue$day Top Tip$ for SPH Research is a listserv with research funding opportunities and other information pertinent to public health researchers who are not necessarily population researchers. To subscribe, write to Dr. Lauren Goldstein, lhg@berkeley.edu.

The POPSCIENCES listserv is an announcements list for affiliates of the Berkeley Population Center, the Center for the Economics and Demography of Aging, the Bixby Population Center and other interested parties. Archives are available by visiting the Group page (see below). Only the List Managers can post, but we accept submissions for possible publication. UC Berkeley faculty, staff and students should be able to subscribe via Google Groups. For any submissions, requests for subscribing or posts, questions, contact the list administrator, Leora Lawton, llawton@berkeley.edu.

Posted in Newsletter.