May 27, 2020. “Covid-19 Mortality: Challenges to Comparisons Between and Within Countries,” Arianna Caporali, INED, Emmanuelle Cambois, National Institute for Demographic Studies, Farida B. Ahmad, CDC, Vladmir Shkolnikov, Max Planck Institute
May 13, 2020. “Beyond Deaths per Person: Three COVID-19 Mortality Indicators for Temporal and International Comparisons,” Patrick Heuveline, UCLA & “The Life-Saving Value of Testing and Herd Immunity,” Miguel Sanchez-Romero, Vienna Institute of Demography/Austrian Academy of Sciences
May 6, 2020. “The Impact of Covid-19 in the Developing World: Kenya,” Edward “Ted” Miguel, UC Berkeley & “Metrics of a Generally Mild COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America: Bad Data or Reality,” Luis Rosero-Bixby, Universidad de Costa Rica
April 29, 2020. “Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality in the United States,” Magali Barbieri, INED & UC Berkeley & “Assessing Racial Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality in the United States,” Joshua Goldstein, UC Berkeley
April 15, 2020. “The Intersection of Epidemiology and Demography,” Jessica Metcalf, Princeton University & “The COVID-19 Pandemic in an Aging World,” David Reher, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
April 8, 2020. “COVID-19 Effects on Low-Income Families and Workers,” Kristen Harknett, UCSF; Julianna Deardorff & Lia Fernald, UC Berkeley
April 1, 2020. “Social Distancing and Social Networks of the Aged,” Ayesha Mahmud, Dennis Feehan & Claude Fischer, UC Berkeley
March 25, 2020. “Mortality in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Joshua Goldstein & Ron Lee, UC Berkeley; Andrew Noymer, UC Irvine
March 18, 2020. “COVID-19 Pandemic Research Brainstorming Session,” William H. Dow, UC Berkeley & Joshua Goldstein, UC Berkeley
February 26, 2020. “Three Centuries of Comparative Demographic Analysis of Ancient Social Networks,” Adam Anderson, UC Berkeley
February 19, 2020. “Polygenic Scores for Complex Traits: Uses, Biases, and Evolution,” Iain Mathieson, Perelman School of Medicine
February 12, 2020. “Local Variation in the Intergenerational Transmission of Income,” Dan Black, University of Chicago
January 29, 2020. “Immigration and the Remaking of Black America,” Tod Hamilton, Princeton University