Training in the Population Sciences at UC Berkeley takes place in many forms and settings, for students at different levels.
Demography Department
Offers training for advanced degrees in demography. The Department also holds two NIH T32 training grants – one in demography (NICHD T32HD0007275), and another in aging. The NIA T32AG000246 funds qualified postdoctoral candidates; both training grants fund predoctoral candidates. All of our postdoctoral fellowship positions are currently filled.
Cal-ADAR is sadly no longer an active program. It had served 7 cohorts of undergraduate students, gave them quantitative research skills and research experiences in demography of aging, which is officially a STEM subject. Cal-ADAR was funded by the National Institutes of Aging (R25AG047848). Undergraduate students interested in studying demography should strongly consider the new NIH-funded summer program, NextGen Pop. For more information, visit their website:
CenSoc Project
Features the 1940 Complete Count Census data linked with Social Security Administration death records – is a large-scale, public microdata data set to be used for advancing understanding of mortality disparities in the United States. Postdoc positions may be available on this project. Please contact Professor Joshua Goldstein regarding this opportunity, and include a CV and a statement of research areas and how CenSoc fits into your career plans.
Workshops in Formal Demography
A program for advanced graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and early career researchers, sponsored by the Berkeley Population Center, funded in the past by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R25HD083136), and this year by the Berkeley Population Center. The Workshop is annual, weeklong, and for training in formal demographic methods and applications. Typically the Workshop consists of three days of training followed by two days of presentations by invited scholars. We are now accepting applications for the 2025 Workshop taking place on June 2-6.
Workshop on Migration and Analysis
An educational program is designed to train junior scholars in the field of migration research to use innovative methods with a variety of interdisciplinary data sets and to learn best practices for new data-collection efforts. Each year, an 11-day workshop will provide hands-on training in methods of analysis, centered on a combination of a repeated core curriculum and changing modules on special topics, as well as research symposia that allow trainees to present and receive feedback on their project. The population research supported by this program will train a new generation of researchers to evaluate the causes and consequences of international and internal migration, as well as migration’s effects on receiving communities and the health and well-being of immigrants, their families and their children. Visit the BIMI website and click on Summer Institutes.