People in Population Sciences at Berkeley

Please use the search box below to filter the directory listings by keyword(s):

Headshot of Barbara Abrams

Barbara Abrams

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • expressed and heat-treated breast milk and perinatal HIV transmission
  • maternal weight
  • nutrition
  • postpartum and menopause
  • social factors and perinatal health outcomes
  • weight and weight gain in women during pregnancy

Headshot of Daniel Acland
  • Public Policy
  • Keywords:
  • behavioral economics
  • cost-benefit analysis
  • paternalism
Headshot of Jennifer Ahern

Jennifer Ahern

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • neighborhood effects
  • risk factors
  • social epidemiology
  • substance use

Headshot of Amani Allen

Amani Allen

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • cross level interactions, race and stress (biology/context interactions), racial disparities in birth outcomes and cardiovascular risk, measurement of racism
  • race and socioeconomic inequalities in health, social disadvantage, socio-environmental context

Headshot of Michael Anderson

Michael Anderson

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Agricultural & Resource Economics
  • Keywords:
  • applied econometrics
  • causal inference
  • environmental economics
  • health economics

Headshot of Alan Auerbach
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • health economics
  • income inequality

Headshot of Magali Barbieri

Magali Barbieri

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Formal Demography
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • causes of death in industrialized and developing countries
  • mortality

Headshot of Lisa Barcellos

Lisa Barcellos

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • autoimmune diseases
  • COVID-19
  • infectious disease
  • multiple sclerosis

Headshot of Irene Bloemraad

Irene Bloemraad

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • Canada
  • immigration
  • nationalism
  • political sociology
  • race & ethnicity
  • research methods
  • social movements
Headshot of Joshua Blumenstock

Joshua Blumenstock

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • School of Information
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Keywords:
  • data science
  • development economics
  • econometrics
  • ICTD
  • machine learning
Headshot of Carl Boe

Carl Boe

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Formal Demography
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Keywords:
  • computing
  • formal demography

Headshot of Amanda Brewster
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • coordination of health care and social services
  • inter-organizational relationships
  • organizational culture
  • performance improvement
  • social determinants of health
Headshot of David Card

David Card

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Family Policy
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • affirmative action
  • education
  • employment training
  • labor
  • minimum wages
  • race
  • uninsured
  • welfare

Headshot of Andres Cardenas
  • Stanford University
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • children’s environmental health
  • environmental epidemiology
  • epigenetics
  • molecular epidemiology

Headshot of James Carey
  • UC Davis
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Keywords:
  • aging
  • invasion biology
  • life span
  • longevity
  • mediterranean fruit fly invasion of California
  • mortality dynamics of insects

Headshot of Ralph (Ray) Catalano

Ralph (Ray) Catalano

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • implications of selection in utero for population health, the economy of stressor

Headshot of Jack Colford

Jack Colford

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • developing country and recreational water settings, clinical trial design (individual and community-level)
  • waterborne infectious diseases

Headshot of Jason Corburn

Jason Corburn

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Keywords:
  • communities
  • environmental health
  • land use policy
  • neighborhood effects
  • sustainability
  • urban

Headshot of Julianna Deardorff

Julianna Deardorff

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Bixby Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • adolescent sexuality and reproductive health
  • child development
  • Latina families and health behaviors
  • puberty
  • stress and coping

Headshot of Alain deJanvry

Alain deJanvry

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Agricultural & Resource Economics
  • Keywords:
  • agriculture
  • economic development
  • employment
  • population productivity

Headshot of Stefano DellaVigna

Stefano DellaVigna

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Keywords:
  • job search, media economics, field experiments, behavioral finance

Headshot of Gretchen Donehower

Gretchen Donehower

  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Formal Demography
  • Keywords:
  • demographic transition
  • forecasts or simulations, social security finances, time-use
  • national transfer accounts
Headshot of William Dow

William Dow

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • global health
  • health economics
  • health reform
  • HIV
  • insurance
  • social determinants of health

Headshot of Ryan Edwards

Ryan Edwards

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • economic demography and family economics
  • economics of aging
  • immigration
  • macroeconomics
  • mortality
  • national security
  • public finance

Headshot of Ellen Eisen
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • occupational health
  • opioid mortality and suicide

Headshot of Brenda Eskenazi

Brenda Eskenazi

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • agriculture
  • health behavior
  • morbidity
  • pesticides
  • social support

Headshot of Dennis Feehan

Dennis Feehan

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • data science
  • mortality
  • networks

Headshot of Lia Fernald

Lia Fernald

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • children's health
  • immigrant health
  • morbidity
  • nutrition

Headshot of Claude Fischer

Claude Fischer

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • personal networks
  • social history
  • social psychology
  • technology
  • urban

Headshot of Neil Fligstein

Neil Fligstein

  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Keywords:
  • economic sociology
  • methodology and statistics
  • organizations
  • political sociology
Headshot of Paul Gertler

Paul Gertler

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Haas School of Business
  • Themes:
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • economic development
  • global health
  • immigrant health
  • impact evaluation
  • labor and health
  • motivations for immigration
  • population productivity

Headshot of Joshua Goldstein

Joshua Goldstein

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Formal Demography
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • demographic transition
  • fertility
  • formal demography
  • full count census
  • mortality

Headshot of Anu Gomez

Anu Gomez

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Social Welfare
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • health and healthcare disparities
  • HIV Prevention
  • reproductive health
  • transgender health
  • violence against women

Headshot of Benjamin Handel

Benjamin Handel

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • consumer choice
  • health care sector
  • insurance markets

Headshot of David Harding

David Harding

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Family Policy
  • Keywords:
  • education
  • incarceration
  • poverty and inequality
  • prisoner reentry
  • qualitative methods
  • quantitative methods
  • urban neighbborhoods

Headshot of Heather Haveman

Heather Haveman

  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Keywords:
  • careers and social mobility
  • economic sociology
  • entrepreneurship
  • gender
  • historical sociology
  • organizational demography
  • organizational theory
Headshot of Denise Herd

Denise Herd

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Keywords:
  • activism in African American communities
  • drinking and drug use patterns and problems
  • drugs
  • health disparities
  • multicultural health
  • social movements
  • violence in rap music

Headshot of Seth Holmes

Seth Holmes

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • Environmental Science, Policy and Management
  • Themes:
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • health effects
  • HIV
  • immigration
  • medical anthropology

Headshot of Hilary Hoynes

Hilary Hoynes

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Public Policy
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • children
  • government
  • labor and employment
  • poverty and inequality
  • tax policy
  • youth and families

Headshot of Ming Hsu

Ming Hsu

  • CEDA
  • Haas School of Business
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • behavioral economics
  • consumer neuroscience
  • neuroeconomics
  • neuromarketing

Headshot of William Jagust
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Keywords:
  • aging
  • alzheimers and dementia
  • brain health

Headshot of Rucker Johnson

Rucker Johnson

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Public Policy
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • educational attainment
  • effects of growing up poor and poor infant health on childhood cognition
  • health over the life course
  • impacts of childhood school and neighborhood quality on adult health and socioeconomic success
  • low-wage labor markets
  • poverty and its impact on life outcomes
  • societal consequences of incarceration
  • spatial mismatch

Headshot of Jenna Johnson-Hanks

Jenna Johnson-Hanks

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Keywords:
  • fertility/reproduction, marriage, culture & demography, Africa, education

Headshot of Shachar Kariv
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • behavioral economics
  • experimental economics
  • microeconomic theory

Headshot of Erin Kerrison

Erin Kerrison

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Social Welfare
  • Themes:
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • criminal justice
  • legal epidemiology
  • race and gender health disparities
  • substance abuse
  • trauma

Headshot of Jonathan Kolstad

Jonathan Kolstad

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Haas School of Business
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • applied microeconomics
  • health economics
  • industrial organization
  • public economics
Headshot of Barbara Laraia

Barbara Laraia

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • neighborhood effects
  • obesity
  • pregnancy
  • stress

Headshot of Leora Lawton

Leora Lawton

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • data collection
  • ego-centric networks
  • family
  • intergenerational relations
  • parental divorce
  • religiosity

Headshot of Ronald Lee

Ronald Lee

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Formal Demography
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • aging
  • cohorts
  • intergenerational transfers
  • savings
  • social security
  • wealth

Headshot of David Levine

David Levine

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Haas School of Business
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • economic decision-making and environmentally safe and sustainable behaviors
  • population productivity
  • safe water methods

Headshot of Mara Loveman

Mara Loveman

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Keywords:
  • demography of ethnoracial difference and inequality
  • human rights
  • regional focus on Latin America, population productivity
  • sociology of development

Headshot of Samuel Lucas

Samuel Lucas

  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Keywords:
  • research methods
  • social stratification
  • sociology of education
  • statistics

Headshot of Jeremy Magruder

Jeremy Magruder

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Agricultural & Resource Economics
  • Themes:
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Keywords:
  • internal migration
  • migrant networks
  • population productivity

Headshot of Ayesha Mahmud

Ayesha Mahmud

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Formal Demography
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • environmental factors
  • human population changes
  • infectious disease dynamics

Headshot of Cassondra Marshall

Cassondra Marshall

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • family planning
  • life course
  • patient care
  • reproductive health

Headshot of Andrew Mason
  • East-West Center
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Keywords:
  • aging and the role of the family in Japan, household projections
  • economic development and population change, human resources, impact of demographic change on saving
  • spending patterns

Headshot of Sandra McCoy

Sandra McCoy

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Bixby Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • family planning
  • HIV
  • impact evaluation
  • reproductive health

Headshot of Edward Miguel

Edward Miguel

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • African economic development
  • economic causes and consequences of violence, the impact of ethnic divisions on local collective action and interactions between health
  • education
  • India
  • productivity for the poor, Kenya
  • Sierra Leone
  • Tanzania

Headshot of Mahasin Mujahid

Mahasin Mujahid

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Keywords:
  • neighborhood effects
  • reproduction

Headshot of Christopher Muller

Christopher Muller

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Bixby Center
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • historical sociology
  • incarceration
  • inequality
  • social theory

Headshot of Ziad Obermeyer

Ziad Obermeyer

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Formal Demography
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • hospital decision-making
  • machine learning and health
  • mortality risk

Headshot of Emily Ozer

Emily Ozer

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • school and school-based interventions, adolescent mental and physical health, violence prevention, trauma and stress

Headshot of Nancy Padian

Nancy Padian

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • gender issues and HIV risk
  • microbicides
  • sexually transmitted diseases

Headshot of Trond Petersen

Trond Petersen

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Keywords:
  • discrimination
  • population productivity
  • quantitative methods
  • social inequality

Headshot of Malcolm Potts

Malcolm Potts

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Bixby Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Family Policy
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Social and Behavior Change
  • Keywords:
  • AIDS prevention and role of male circumcision
  • biological origins of human warfare
  • human sexual behavior
  • misoprostol to control postpartum hemorrhage
  • mobilization of resources for international family planning
  • reducing barriers preventing access to contraception and abortion
  • reducing maternal deaths

Headshot of Ndola Prata

Ndola Prata

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Bixby Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • access and financing of reproductive health
  • family

Headshot of Danya Lagos

Danya Lagos

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Policy & Behavioral
Headshot of Steven Raphael

Steven Raphael

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Public Policy
  • Keywords:
  • discrimination
  • incarceration
  • peer influences
  • urban economics

Headshot of Sarah Reynolds

Sarah Reynolds

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • child and maternal health
  • intergenerational relations
  • Latin America

Headshot of Luis Rosero-Bixby
  • Centro Centroamericano de Poblacion
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • health in Latin America
  • longevity
  • Taiwan
Headshot of Jesse Rothstein

Jesse Rothstein

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Keywords:
  • SES mobility; teacher quality
Headshot of Emmanuel Saez

Emmanuel Saez

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Formal Demography
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • dynamics of income inequality, retirement plan decisions, capital income taxation

Headshot of Daniel Schneider

Daniel Schneider

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • precarity
  • sociology of the family, social demography, inequality, family
  • wealth and household finance, population productivity

Headshot of Ann Swidler

Ann Swidler

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Keywords:
  • cultural and institutional responses to the AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa

Headshot of Dmitry Taubinsky
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • beverage taxes
  • heuristic perceptions of incentives
  • tax salience
  • welfare estimation in credit markets

Headshot of Shripad Tuljapurkar

Shripad Tuljapurkar

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Stanford University
  • Themes:
  • Formal Demography
  • Keywords:
  • evolution of human and natural populations
  • formal demography
  • population mathematics

Headshot of Kenneth Wachter

Kenneth Wachter

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Statistics
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Formal Demography
  • Keywords:
  • AIDS
  • biodemography
  • biosocial
  • census
  • HIV
  • life expectancy
  • spatial demography

Headshot of Reed Walker

Reed Walker

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Keywords:
  • environmental economics
  • labor economics
  • public economics

Headshot of John Wilmoth

John Wilmoth

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Keywords:
  • comparative studies
  • forecasting
  • life expectancy
  • life span
  • morbidity
  • mortality
  • parametric models

Headshot of Guo Xu

Guo Xu

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Haas School of Business
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Keywords:
  • development economics
  • economic history
  • labor economics
  • organizational economics
  • political economy
Headshot of Danny Yagan

Danny Yagan

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Keywords:
  • employment and recessions
  • income inequality
  • taxes and investment

Headshot of Gabriel Zucman

Gabriel Zucman

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Economics
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Formal Demography
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • inequality
  • taxation
  • wealth
Headshot of Yan Long

Yan Long

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Keywords:
  • gender and sexualities
  • global sociology
  • health and medicine
  • organizations
  • political sociology
  • transnational sociology
Headshot of Diana Greene Foster

Diana Greene Foster

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • UCSF
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Keywords:
  • abortion
  • contraception
  • fertility
  • pregnancy

Headshot of Michelle Poulin

Michelle Poulin

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Demography Dept
  • Demography
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • economic development
  • family demography
  • fertility
  • gender
  • marriage
Headshot of Erica Sedlander

Erica Sedlander

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • UCSF
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Social and Behavior Change
  • Keywords:
  • contraception
  • gender
  • infertility
  • social norms

Headshot of Alicia Riley

Alicia Riley

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • UC Santa Cruz
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • aging
  • COVID-19
  • health inequities
  • structural racism
Headshot of Juan Pedroza

Juan Pedroza

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • UC Santa Cruz
  • Themes:
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Keywords:
  • access to justice
  • access to safety net
  • poverty
Headshot of Noli Brazil

Noli Brazil

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • UC Davis
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • education
  • neighborhood effects
  • social networks
  • spatial demography
  • urban

Headshot of Mathew Kiang

Mathew Kiang

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Stanford University
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • health inequities
  • social epidemiology
  • substance use

Headshot of Maria-Elena Young

Maria-Elena Young

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • UC Merced
  • Themes:
  • Health Equity
  • Immigration and Policy Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • citizenship stratification
  • immigrant integration and criminalization
  • immigration

Headshot of Tom Vogl

Tom Vogl

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • UC San Diego
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Family Policy
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • demographic transition
  • early-childhood health
  • fertility
  • poverty
Headshot of Laurent Reyes

Laurent Reyes

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Social Welfare
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Health Equity
  • Immigration and Policy Health
  • Social Demography
  • Keywords:
  • Black and Latinx adults
  • community-based research
  • life course
  • qualitative methods
Headshot of Isabel Madzorera

Isabel Madzorera

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Health Equity
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • child and adolescent health
  • diet
  • food systems
  • health inequities
  • low-income countries
  • nutrition
  • pregnancy

Headshot of Zehang Richard Li

Zehang Richard Li

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • UC Santa Cruz
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Demography
  • Mortality Measurement
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • cause of death
  • data science
  • statistics
Headshot of Adam Leive

Adam Leive

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Public Policy
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • health economics
  • savings
  • social insurance
Headshot of Kristina Lovato

Kristina Lovato

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • Social Welfare
  • Themes:
  • Child Welfare
  • Health Equity
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Keywords:
  • child policy
  • child welfare
  • immigration
  • social determinants of health
  • well-being of Latinx children
  • well-being of Latinx families

Headshot of Andrew Wooyoung Kim

Andrew Wooyoung Kim

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • Anthropology
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Health Equity
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • intergenerational trauma
  • mental health
  • racial health disparities
  • South Africa
  • stress physiology

Headshot of Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes

Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • BIMI
  • UC Merced
  • Themes:
  • Demography
  • Family Policy
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Keywords:
  • child policy
  • children's health
  • family
  • Hispanics
  • immigration
  • minorities
  • race & ethnicity
  • well-being of families

Headshot of Jenny Liu

Jenny Liu

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • UCSF
  • Themes:
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • behavioral science
  • evaluation
  • health economics
Headshot of Aliya Saperstein

Aliya Saperstein

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Stanford University
  • Themes:
  • Data Science and Demography
  • Social Demography
  • Keywords:
  • health disparities
  • race and ethnicity
  • sex and gender
Headshot of Manisha Shah

Manisha Shah

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Public Policy
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • HIV/Reproductive Health
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Social and Behavior Change
  • Keywords:
  • economic development
  • gender
  • global health
  • health economics
  • human capital
  • risk behavior
Headshot of Rebecca Staiger

Rebecca Staiger

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • CEDA
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • health economics
  • health policy
  • health services
  • Medicaid
Headshot of Ethan Ligon
  • Agricultural & Resource Economics
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
Headshot of Layla Kwong
  • School of Public Health
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Child Welfare
  • Health Equity
  • Population Health
Headshot of Michael Walker
  • Agricultural & Resource Economics
  • Themes:
  • Child Welfare
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Social and Behavior Change
Headshot of Rosemarie De La Rosa
  • Environmental Science, Policy and Management
  • Themes:
  • Biodemography
  • Child Welfare
  • Health Equity
Headshot of Ned Augenblick
  • Haas School of Business
  • Themes:
  • Policy & Behavioral
Headshot of Jenna Nobles

Jenna Nobles

  • Demography Dept
  • Sociology
  • Themes:
  • Migration & Immigration
  • Population Health
  • Keywords:
  • effects of environmental change on population processes
  • implications of migration systems for sending and receiving communities
  • population variation in fertility and fecundity
Headshot of Jacqueline Torres
  • UCSF
  • Themes:
  • Family Policy
  • Policy & Behavioral
  • Population Health
  • Social and Behavior Change
  • Social Networks

Headshot of Bryan Sykes

Bryan Sykes

  • Berkeley Population Center
  • Cornell University
  • Themes:
  • Demographic Consequences
  • Population Health
  • Punishment & Inequality
  • Keywords:
  • global health
  • Mass Incarceration & Legal Institutions
  • migration
  • morbidity
  • mortality