Grant Application Support

Population Sciences at UC Berkeley seeks to fulfill its mission of promoting innovative population research through external funding. Because BPC is funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Center for Child Health and Development (NICHD), and CEDA is funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), facilitating grants from these two agencies is our top priority. The second level priority is other NIH funding. The third level is funding from government and notable foundations. This section provides a starting place and resources to enable our affiliates to submit successful grant applications. Get started by perusing the following links.

  • Pilot grants from Berkeley’s population research centers CEDA and BPC, support innovative, early stage explorations of research questions with the promise of turning new ideas into larger projects in the future. The application process is simple.
  • Private industry and philanthropic foundations are an increasingly important source of support in many subfields. For resources and prospective partnerships with private industry, see UC Berkeley’s Office of Intellectual Property and Industry Research Alliances (IPIRA). 

BPC and CEDA staff offer guidance and support to their affiliates and the larger university community, in the identification of suitable funding sources, development of grant proposals, and administration of grants. Additional resources on proposal writing and grantsmanship are available from the Berkeley Sponsored Projects Office (SPO), and in the NIH Grantsmanship page on this site. Working together with Campus Shared Services, BPC and CEDA administrators can:

  • Review grants prior to submission (internal and external).
  • Prepare formal budgets with calculations for overhead.
  • Provide advice on Human Subjects Research and IRBs.
  • Submit grants to the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO).
  • Coordinate the distribution of funds as specified in the grant award.

We also publish announcements of research funding opportunities in our periodic newsletter. To subscribe, send an email asking to be added to the list, to .