Centers and academic departments engaged in the Population Sciences at UC Berkeley create and support various research programs. Some emerge from pilot studies, others are larger, multiyear research projects that lead to both new discoveries through research, as well as collaborations and networks. These programs share the goal of developing and translating current academic research on the implications of demographic changes for economies and societies into insights that will shape policies and practices in the world beyond the academy.
The Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging and the Berkeley Population Center support programs reflective of their respective missions. In many cases, however, there is co-sponsorship because the nature of population research is often inherently interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary. We therefore present them together here:
The CADAS project -Dementia Determinants in Caribbean and U.S. Hispanics – studies racial/ethnic disparities in dementia, focusing on Caribbean and U.S. Hispanic populations. Our international collaborative team is collecting and analyzing data on U.S. immigrant populations as well as those in sending communities in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. These data enable comprehensive analysis of the relationship of dementia with life course socioeconomic determinants across highly varied contexts, as well as the resulting formal and informal care costs in different societal contexts. Funded by R01AG064778.
So named because it links 1940 Census data with Social Security Administration death records – CenSoc is a new, large-scale, public microdata data set to be used for advancing understanding of mortality disparities in the United States. Funded by R01AG058940.
Complete Count Historical Census Project
By agreement with the University of Minnesota IPUMS, we have a repository of the US Censuses, from 1790 to 1940.
Creles – The Costa Rican Longevity and Healthy Aging Study (Costa Rica Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable) is a set of nationally representative longitudinal surveys of health and life course experiences of older Costa Ricans.
Family Policy to Reduce Racial Inequities in Health
This policy hub will expand the research agenda on economic and related policies that enhance the income and well-being of low wage working families, with a specific focus on understanding policies that could best ameliorate racial disparities.
Human Mortality Database
Created to provide detailed mortality and population data to researchers, students, journalists, policy analysts, and others interested in the history of human longevity. Funded by CEDA and other agencies and organizations.
National Transfer Accounts
Related to CEDA’s thematic focus on the demographic and fiscal consequences of global aging. Funded by CEDA and other agencies and organizations.
PPLO – Evaluating the San Francisco Paid Parental Leave Ordinance is a project that examines the effects of The Paid Parental Leave Ordinance (PPLO), the most far-reaching local paid parental leave law in the United States.
The UC Berkeley Social Networks Study, known as UCNets, is now a network of researchers engaged in longitudinal panel ego-centric network research, a program which emerged after its funding from an NIA R01 and a pilot grant co-sponsored by both BPC and CEDA.
United States Mortality Database
USMDB is the first clearly documented historical set of complete state-level life tables, updated to the latest year of available data, designed to foster research on geographic variations in mortality across the United States and to monitor trends in health inequalities. This data set currently includes complete and abridged life tables by sex for each of the US 9 Census Divisions, 4 Census Regions, 50 States and the District of Columbia, for each year since 1941 with mortality values up to age 110. The data are available for free to all interested upon registration.